Food trends and diets are constantly
shifting – so much so that it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Yeast is so 2013.
This year the hot topic is gluten.
Going ‘gluten-free’ is all the rage. The
awareness of gluten, and the harm it can cause to some, has soared and caused
widespread fear. So now going ‘gluten-free’ isn’t just for those with coeliac
disease - it’s the diet of choice for Hollywood starlets and health nuts
alike. Even in the absence of any undesirable symptoms, gluten is being
perceived as something to be avoided.
The extreme reaction of coeliacs to
gluten caused a huge improvement in gluten labelling. Food producers also
started to bring out more gluten-free foods. Fantastic news of course for those
with coeliac disease, but is it entirely necessary for the rest of us? Can
we assume that all ‘gluten-free’ foods are necessarily good for us? Just
because a cupcake is labelled ‘gluten-free’, does that automatically mean
that it’s also unprocessed or unsweetened? Think about it. Studies
suggest that only 1 in 100 people have the disease. So why are we punishing
ourselves by cutting out foods that we love, such as the odd slice of freshly
baked bread? The smell alone is almost impossible to resist. Is it
possible that we are victims of the latest dietary fad or buzzword?
The widespread fear of gluten has also
had a knock-on effect on grains, and carbohydrates in general. Diets such as
‘The Caveman Diet’ and the ‘Atkins Diet’, which involve cutting out all
carbohydrates, are extremely popular. At Rude Health we feel that there’s
a general misunderstanding around gluten, grains and what it all really means.
So here’s our best effort to put you out of your misery.
So what is gluten? Gluten is a sticky,
stretchable protein found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley. It’s formed
during the kneading process; gluten chains create a matrix that trap carbon
dioxide bubbles produced by the fermenting yeast. This gives bread its
chewiness, and pizza dough its stretchiness.
Coeliac disease is a very serious
chronic digestive disorder in which individuals who consume gluten experience a
toxic immune response. The protein triggers the immune system to attack the
lining of the small intestine, causing diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain
- definitely not something we’d wish upon ourselves. If you have coeliac
disease you need to avoid any trace of gluten. There’s no cure, it has to be
managed by following a gluten-free diet.
As mentioned earlier, many people don’t
have coeliac disease but do follow a strictly gluten-free diet, believing it to
be healthier or better for their digestion. One possible reason for the
desire to change something in the diet is the growing number of people who
are allergic to or intolerant of the proteins found in wheat. In the last
50 years the way we eat wheat has changed fundamentally. We are eating much,
much more of it since introducing pasta, wheat based breakfast cereal and
sandwiches into our diets. That’s a lot of wheat. At the same time, wheat
has become much more highly refined and processed and potentially more
difficult for our overworked stomachs to cope with. There’s a good chance that
any digestion problems, such as bloating, are down to eating too much refined
wheat specifically, rather than gluten itself. In this case the
gluten-containing grains, barley, rye and even the ancient wheats such as
spelt, can be included in your diet.
Whatever the reason for following a
gluten-free diet, the best way to avoid it is to know exactly where it
hides, and where it doesn’t.
Many foods you might not suspect contain
gluten, including ale and beer. Gluten acts as a thickener in shop bought salad
dressings, soy sauce, and even ice cream. Dodgy ingredients such as
hydrolyzed vegetable protein, modified starch and ‘natural flavorings’ are
often the culprits.
Did you know that oats naturally don’t
contain any gluten? The problem for coeliacs is that oats are often subject to
contamination with small amounts of gluten when grown on a farm that grows
wheat, rye or barley or is processed on the same machinery as wheat, rye
or barley. This is why coeliacs should avoid oats unless they are strictly
labelled gluten-free. The rest of us shouldn’t really need to worry, or have to
pay the extra premium.
Even better news is that we’ve also been
incorrectly classifying some of our seeds as grains - specifically amaranth,
buckwheat groats, and quinoa, which are in fact ‘pseudo-grains’. Pseudograins
are gluten-free and are therefore great options for coeliacs, wannabe
coeliacs, and general food lovers.
So all is not lost or doomed, there’s
still plenty of variety to choose from. At Rude Health we have no intention of
giving up our favourite foods, and neither should you. All we do is make sure
that we use a variety of grains, we keep them whole and produce them in
the most natural, sustainable way possible. Here’s to eating right, and staying
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